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FAQs for Photographers

When will you decide on my selected photo for the 2020 Vision Project’s September’s launch?


By Friday 14th August we will have worked out all the shots for the September launch and let you all know. Then you can get edited works in for us to print with Loxley, if you haven’t already.


How long do I have to wait before I can reveal the chosen photos to my healthcare workers? 


We realise that you all are eager to share your amazing shots! Our main exhibition is planned for March 2021 to feature all 2020 Vision Project photographers amazing works. We know this is a long wait, so after the launch in September, we are happy for your to digitally share a different photo from your 2020 Vision Project photo session. We want to protect the overall project so we can have a massive unveiling. We hope this makes sense. 


However, for those who have decided to print a shot for your healthcare worker - please go ahead (after the September launch). We just want to make sure photos are not shared on social media until March 2021. 


What if I have press/media interest?

If you have interest from the press/media who want to feature shots you took, please discuss this with us. We are open to this idea with September getting closer.


What if I have an exhibition planned where I want to display images from 2020 Vision Project?


Some of you have exhibitions planned and would love to feature your work. This is fantastic. Please let us know when, what you want to do and of course, invite us to your launch!


Will there be an online 2020 Vision Project exhibition? 


Yes there will, we plan to get this live after the March exhibition.


How about the 2020 Vision Project selection for March’s launch?


We hope to get this finalised for the 14th September, but it may be the following week.


With images should I ensure the ratio is a 16” x 12” crop? 


No need to change the ratio. Loxley will print landscape/ portrait/ panoramic/ square / - it entirely depends on your final image - we want to present it the way YOU want to to be seen to give it impact you desire. The maximum size is 16 x 12 and the photo will be mounted within that size.

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